the future

Welcome to the Future

2020 has been a challenging year for many. Here at SEUNwater, we have reimagined HVAC controls so that you can safely and instantly deliver accurate and superior service to your customers. Our advanced technology allows your team to monitor the many HVAC closed loops that you service without being on site. 

manage & inspect

Alert Notifications

Real Time data


You spend unnecessary time and your customers spend excessive financial resources on maintanence and replacements every year due to imbalances in chiller systems. Improved systems monitoring will save you time and your customers will save money while you and your company still monetize on servicing the updated technology. Deliver excellent, instantaneous customer service with continuous, real time information.

What is SEUN?

It is a water monitoring platform that provides instant alerts and data specifically for the water that resides inside HVAC Closed Loops. When the water in the closed loop is unbalanced you will instantly receive an alert so that you may be able to rectify the problem. On demand graph charting and historical data provides your clients with the information they need to maintain regulatory compliance. 

SEUN software supports multi-protocols to manage all types of buildings across the building automation industry. We use standard industry framework, reducing training costs and proprietary tools.


Public Facing API

Our system includes a public API for your specific controls specifications and allows your controller to customize the data to fit any client or HVAC system needs.


We have spoken to many professionals in the HVAC industry, hospital facilities directors, and Joint Commission staff. Our research concluded that autonomous, continuous surveillance of the water in the HVAC closed loops would provide many benefits such as:


  • Reducing maintenance (while you still monetize on servicing the technology)
  • Extended HVAC life
  • Auditable database that satisfies regulatory requirements for hospitals
  • Solving problems BEFORE they start

Reimagined Controls

Allow technology to work for you. You can now ensure that you and your company provide excellent customer service anytime, anywhere and instantly.

Our remote monitoring features are visible by many platforms and run on a highly secure and tamper proof software system. Program your own set of alerts for optimal customization and organization. Solve issues before they happen.

SEUNwater is bridging a gap

that exists in your essential industry, providing your clients with peace of mind and you with a new tool to provide excellent, effective, and immediate service. 
Learn More

A Mutually Beneficial Partnership

We take care of the software and new features, you install and maintain the hardware! CONtech is a newer term for technology that has been developed to enhance and improve the construction industry. Be a pioneer and help us help your business thrive and grow in this quickly paced world.

Financing for Public Institutions (California Only)

The CLEEN Center provides direct public financing to Municipalities, Universities, Schools and Hospitals (MUSH borrowers) to help meet the State’s goals for greenhouse gas reduction, water conservation and environmental preservation. The CLEEN Center offers two programs: the Statewide Energy Efficiency Program (SWEEP) and the Light Emitting Diode Street Lighting Program (LED). Financing can be through a direct loan from IBank in amounts from $500 thousand to $30 million.  Please let us know if you need more information on this program.